OUR mission

Service X Style
Our form of service is youth development, yet we use style as a means to connect with youth we work with. A common misconception is that style is about exuding power or social status, but we believe differently. Style is a creative way to articulate ones life experiences, originality, and unique personality.
Style holds major significance in youth culture, especially in the inner-city. Children admire and respect mentors who they can connect with. It goes without saying that they are more likely to seek to emulate mentors that make an impression in the way they present themselves; we use our unique aesthetic as a means of capturing youth’s intrigue. 
Our mission is "to encourage youth to be expressive and to empower them with the confidence needed to not only succeed academically, but also be positive leaders in the midst of negative influence." We strive to introduce them to several outlets of creativity and broaden their perspectives in areas such as, but not limited to, creative writing, style, and photography. Through our common connection and shared culture we will make a lasting impact on the age group we target. Support the movement. Be the Change. Live to Evolve.
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