take part in the journey

Elite is not a private or exclusive group. It is simply a movement supported by like-minded individuals that care about helping others. It is a state of mind that everyone can carry on. It's not about being better than others, but rather, becoming better at what you do and reaching your personal goals, while simultaneously helping others reach theirs. Elite’s goal is to better ourselves in the hopes that the youth we work with will follow in our footsteps. We aspire to “redefine cool” to youth, to create a culture, a way of thinking, and ultimately, something that can be passed on for years.  

Our hearts are in this. Many people are just preoccupied with today, but we look to do things for tomorrow. This is the significance of our slogan “Live to Evolve.” It conveys our understanding that in order to be great you must be continuously pushing yourself to progress and constantly learning from your experiences.

These buttons represent our campaign to “redefine cool.(written below the E) 
For example:
Allowing people to see it is “cool” to make a difference in the lives of others.
Allowing youth to see it is “cool” to express themselves through writing or other creative forms.
Simply allowing people to see that integrity is back in style!
We may not change the world, but we will inspire someone who can! 
Support the movement. Be the Change. Live to Evolve.

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