
Dear Supporters,
We know there are many options when it comes to where you shop, so we just wanted to thank everyone that came - whether you bought something or just came out to show us support. It was all much appreciated and you have truly encouraged us. Both your monetary donations and friendly presence made all the hard work well worth it!  

We recognize that many traditional retail/clothing businesses segment their customers based on characteristics such as gender, income level, living demographics, and age. We, on the other hand, have chosen to segment ours on character, morality, and integrity. With your purchases and donations, you have helped enhance the education of a Trenton eighth grader.

We don’t view you as customers, but supporters!

Going forward we will continue to use our blog as a resource to show transparency. The blog will allow us to keep you updated and informed on our work with the kids. We are partaking in an ever-progressing journey and we hope you will continue to take part in it, as well.

With great appreciation,
the ELITE club

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