Personal expression

Uncle Ralph” 
 A nickname given to me by two of my good friends, “TK” and “MJ” , whom you guys will meet in the near future. The name derived from my old school way of thinking, my tendency to write in my brown leather journal, my love for old school music, vintage/timeless clothing, and lastly my old man tiresomeness (if thats a word) after eating food at their house.
They often tell me I'm “Young with an Old Soul!

To me fashion is what you adopt when you don’t know who you are, but style on the other hand is how you articulate exactly who you are.” -Albert M.

Madras tie & bold socks: Represents my fun/outgoing nature
Chino pants: Represents my old man way of thinking and my appreciation for traditional/classic things that can often be considered timeless
Wrist accessories (which I call “wristage”): Represents my love for small details
Clark Wallabees(btw my favorite shoes ever!)Represents my rugged side.It's a shoe that was once wore by British officers during World War II, but also wore byHip Hop artist like Biggie,Ghostface and Raekwon.
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